Configuring Lighthouse CI with Github Actions

I’ll be spending a lot of time auditing web performance over the next couple of weeks, and along the way expect to be setting up some tooling that I haven’t used before. First on the list was Lighthouse CI, which I took for a spin in a Github repository. I initially set this up manually following the getting started docs, but eventually learned that the Lighthouse CI Action met my needs nicely.

First, I added a budget.json file which I will eventually assert against:

    "path": "/*",
    "resourceSizes": [
        "resourceType": "document",
        "budget": 18
        "resourceType": "total",
        "budget": 200

This is just the default example from the docs, I’ll be defining what the actual budget should be as I get deeper into auditing.

Next I created .github/workflows/ci.yml with the following contents:

name: Lighthouse CI for Netlify sites
on: pull_request
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js 14.x
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 14.x
      - name: Install & Build
        run: |
          npm install
          npm build
      - name: Wait for the Netlify Preview
        uses: jakepartusch/wait-for-netlify-action@v1
        id: netlify
          site_name: 'my-fun-netlify-name'
      - name: Audit URLs using Lighthouse
        uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v7
          urls: |
            ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}
            ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/about/
            ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/all/
            ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/jams/2021/hades/
            ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/posts/2021/gatsby-source-drupal-only-referenced-images/
          budgetPath: ./budget.json
          temporaryPublicStorage: true

This isn’t the default recipe, but it allowed me to wait for Netlify’s deploy preview to complete and then run lighthouse on the actual preview site. In my case I also needed to bump things up to a more recent version of node instead of the default. I also removed uploadArtifacts: true as I don’t know that I really need the reports to persist long term (I can always re-enable this later).

At this point, I had the lighthouse reports running, but I had to dig into the build logs to get them. Thankfully it was possible to configure Github status checks to see the results right in the Github pull request UI. I had to authorize the Lighthouse CI Github App which provided me an authorization token. Under the settings for my repository I then added that token as a repository secret called LHCI_GITHUB_APP_TOKEN. To add the checks to my CI job I had to add two sections to my .github/workflows/ci.yml.

First, I had to add a reference to the related git history:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
{% endhighlight %}

I missed this part initially. Without it the status checks will be sent, but they won't be able to be tied to the correct PR.

Lastly, I had to add a the repository secret as an environment variable:

{% highlight yml 11-12 %}
- name: Audit URLs using Lighthouse
  uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v7
    urls: |
      ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}
      ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/about/
      ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/all/
      ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/jams/2021/hades/
      ${{ steps.netlify.outputs.url }}/posts/2021/gatsby-source-drupal-only-referenced-images/
    budgetPath: ./budget.json
    temporaryPublicStorage: true

With all of that in place I now see entries for each lighthouse check, and can click on the details link to launch the report.

Example lighthouse checks

This site isn’t actually what I’m auditing, but it still looks like I’ve got some work to do :)